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Updated In-Person Worship Practices at Pilgrim

As Pilgrim enters into a new season of gathering together, all are invited to review our safety practices some new, and some existing for our summer worship services.

Indoor Worship:

  • We will gather indoors on July 4, 11, and 18.

  • For the safety of the Pilgrim community, masks are required when you are in the building. Caring for our neighbors is a core tenet of the Pilgrim community, and this is one way to keep everyone safe. Disposable masks will be available should you need one.

  • Social distancing requirements have been loosened and max capacities have been increased under the guidance of local health officials and the Pilgrim SMART Team.

  • For contact tracing purposes, everyone attending worship in person will be asked to sign in.

  • Indoor services will be broadcast on Facebook live. A tutorial for accessing worship on Facebook Live is available here.

  • Please bring your own wine/juice and bread/crackers on Sundays when we will be celebrating communion. The next indoor worship services with communion are Sunday, July 4, and Sunday, July 18. Individually wrapped single-serve communion elements will be available for those who choose to use them.

Outdoor Worship:

  • We will gather outdoors on July 25.

  • Out of abundant concern for one another, we request that worshippers wear a mask at outdoor worship services. This will help us be welcoming to all who may be just returning to public gatherings. Disposable masks will be available should you need one.

  • Social distancing requirements have been loosened and max capacities have been increased under the guidance of local health officials and the Pilgrim SMART Team.

  • For contact tracing purposes, everyone attending worship in person will be asked to sign in with an usher at the beginning of worship.

  • Outdoor services will not be broadcast online due to limited connectivity.

Children & Families

  • The east and west transept areas will be available for all who choose to use them. Please stay with your child when using these areas. Coloring sheets, clipboards, and markers will be available as well. Please return used clipboards and markers to the labeled bins in the transepts after you are done using them. These items will be cleaned after each use.

  • In order to keep the youngest Pilgrims (who don't yet have access to COVID vaccines) safe, the nursery will not be open during worship. As always, children are welcome in worship, and you are free to move throughout the sanctuary with your child as needed.

After Worship

  • In-person coffee time will be outside and begin immediately after worship on the west lawn. Please bring your own beverages and snacks.

  • On July 11, at 10:45 am, Pilgrim will host a forum on Zoom, titled "Highlights of Pilgrim's Vital Signs Report," both in person (in the lower level) and on Zoom. Join the Zoom meeting here.

Your attention to these guidelines is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Pilgrim office at or 651-699-6886.


pilgrim lutheran church

a home for hungry minds & souls

Pilgrim Lutheran Church,  1935 St. Clair Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55105  |  |  Tel: 651-699-6886

 Office Hours: Tues - Thurs: 10am-3:00pm


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