Many thanks to Pilgrims of all ages for a very successful blanket drive! Pathways High-schoolers made and solicited 25 blankets, Anne Hall and Kate Drexler Booth sent the word out to neighbors and amassed about 15 more, Coralie Hunter and other Pilgrims added blankets and other useful items to the stash, Katia McDonough and Melanie Ruda thrift-shopped a stack of blankets and put together lunches. One and a half carloads of blankets and several satchels of lunches were delivered. What great examples of the abundance that flows in community! Sue Bauer and Katia McDonough worked at Safe Space on Sunday morning, October 29, organizing clothing, serving coffee/tea and lunches, providing hygiene supplies and hand warmers and socks and gloves to shelter guests and very much enjoying the company of the Model Cities staff at Safe Space. Watch the Pilgrim newsletter for more information on our connection with Model Cities/Safe Space, including the work that Phil and Louanne Kaupa are doing to connect food from Second Harvest Heartland and blanket donations from hospital supply groups to Safe Space! And consider volunteering with Katia on Sunday, December 24 morning—a particularly fine day to provide hospitality to travelers.
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