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pilgrim lutheran church

a home for hungry minds & souls

Holy Week and Easter at Pilgrim

Palm Sunday, April 10

9:30 am ~ In person and streaming online Come experience and explore the last week of Jesus’ life, including waving palms and Holy Communion in the context of Jesus' last supper with interactive elements for all ages!

There is no Evening Lenten Worship on Wednesday April 13.

There is no Maundy Thursday Worship on Thursday, April 14.

Good Friday, April 15

6:51 pm ~ In person and streaming online Come experience the depths of the narrative of Jesus' last supper with contemplative Holy Communion as well as poetic word weaving around the theme of Jesus' journey to death on Good Friday. Contemplative darkness, candlelight, and silence will guide you as you connect with God through open and honest reflection on the suffering of Christ and the world.

Easter Sunday, April 17

8:30 am ~ In person

10:30 am ~ In person Come celebrate the power of life embodied and shared by the risen Jesus! Considering the last couple of years, we need this. Children's and adult choirs, brass, Holy Communion, beauty, delight, and playfulness will be part of this celebratory Sunday! (One of these two services will be livestreamed as well; time TBD)


pilgrim lutheran church

a home for hungry minds & souls

Pilgrim Lutheran Church,  1935 St. Clair Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55105  |  |  Tel: 651-699-6886

 Office Hours: Tues - Thurs: 10am-3:00pm


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