To express your interest in participating, please fill out this form:
To aid us in our children's music programming, please fill out the following form by Wed, January 19 to let us know of your children's intention to join us for children's choir on Feb 2 at 5:15-6pm! Children in 4-8th grades will be meeting with Maggie and K-3rd graders will either meet with Paul to do instrumental music and/or with a new choir director, if we have a new director ready to be introduced to the kids. Please email with any questions or clarifications you'd like to make regarding your interest in music programming. Thank you so much to all who filled out our survey at the end of the fall, we have been working toward meeting as many of your needs and interests as we can in 2022. We hope to be able to offer programming for children younger than kindergarten later this year. Older youth can always be in touch with Paul about solos, small groups, or singing with the Y'All Come Choir and Chancel Choir.